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Sermon Archive

Week One 04/16/2023

Gathering Together


01/05 - 03/23

This series compares our walk today with the people of the Church of Ephesus and shows us how to live out our walk with Jesus the way He wants us to. 


11/10 - 11/24

This series will help our appetites grow for God as we make connections to the desire for physical and spiritual nourishment from the Word.


08/04 - 09/08

We will spend six weeks walking through passages in the Old Testament that create a path forward to the Good News of the Gospel found in Christ's arrival.


04/28 - 05/12

For three weeks we will look into how we should give as followers of Jesus. Join us as we embrace the call and challenge of the Lord to be cheerful givers.


03/03 - 03/24

We are spending four weeks looking at the life of an Unlikely Disciple. We will see the Hope we can have by learning from the successes and failures of Peter.



We know it is important for us to learn from events in the past and share those stories with the next generation as they look to the future as followers of Jesus.


10/15 - 10/29

Relationships are important to followers of Jesus. Join us as we spend three weeks seeking wisdom in our relationships where we live work and play.


06/04 - 07/30

This summer we will slowly walk through the book of Amos. We will see a prophet sent to a disobedient people in order to proclaim truth.

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This stand alone sermon details the importance of the first Resurrection Sunday as described from Matthew's Gospel.


01/08 - 01/29

Jesus said that he would build His church on the rock. In this four week series we dive into the origins, purpose, make up, and commands for the church. 


11/13 - 11/27

In this series we will take a dive into the topic of Burnout and how we can embrace and overcome it with the help of God and our Faith Family.


06/05 - 07/31

Our Summer Sermon Series will spend 9 weeks walking through the book of Exodus where God moved a people from slaves to sons and daughters.


03/27 - 04/10

For the three weeks leading up to Easter we will explore a few questions that Jesus asked those who He interacted with in his time on Earth.


01/09 - 01/30

In this four week series we look at our Vision and Mission as a faith family knowing that we are challenged to give of our Time, Talents & Treasures.


11/14 - 11/28

This three week series is all about Biblical Hospitality. We will be stretched and challenged to practice hospitality in the places where we live work and play.

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In this super short stand alone sermon we investigate the main reasons why we baptize followers of Jesus today in the local church.


05/09 - 05/30

We will take a look a four popular verses to understand their proper meaning in context in order to apply it to our lives as followers of Jesus today.


03/07 - 03/28

We will look at the life of John The Baptist as he prepared the way for Jesus. We will examine the birth, life, and death of John leading up to the week of Easter.



A New Normal, a phrase you have heard many times over the last 9 months. However, we embrace new rhythms of life in following Jesus.


11/08 - 11/29

The story of Joseph in the book of Genesis is filled with twists and turns that many of us did not see coming. Join us for this series as we learn from an old family.


08/02 - 08/23

We have all experienced a change over the past few months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this series we investigate how we react when plans change.


04/19 - 05/03

Our relationship with Jesus is a journey to where "X Marks The Spot". As we move towards the X we will see three important aspects of being a Christian.


02/02 - 03/08

This sermon series walks us through the letter to the church at Colossae. We will see how the Christians then and now need to rest in Christ Alone. 


10/27 - 11/24

This sermon series helps us examine the question, "Does God Want Us To Know That We Are Saved"? And if He does, how can we know?


06/02 - 07/28

This summer series explores three books of the bible and in order for us to identify Biblical Leadership instructions for the church.


03/10 - 04/14

This series covers the Women in Jesus' genealogy and life. If you think your family has issues listen to some of the stories from Jesus' family.



In this short sermon series we look at the core mission and vision of our Faith Family as we move into a new year of advancing His Kingdom.

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Today we celebrate as a Faith Family through Baptism. We are reminded from Peter and John how to be Bold for Jesus by being All In.


10/20 - 11/03

In this series, we will look at who the church is and how we treat each other, how we engage culture, and what Jesus and the early church say about politics.


06/02 - 07/28

This summer we will dive into the Sermon On The Mount found in Matthew's gospel. Join us as we lean into a Kingdom Centered Life, following Jesus.


04/07 - 04/21

Believing in Christ is just the beginning. Join us for three weeks of looking at some very important "Next Steps" in obediently following Jesus.


02/04 - 02/25

Join us as we spend four weeks looking at one of the most well-known prayers in the Bible. We will learn instructions from Jesus on how we are to pray.


12/03 - 12/24

We will spend four weeks looking at how Christmas and the gospel can bring us together and how we can focus on the real meaning of Christmas this year.


09/17 - 10/08

What would you say if you were going to text or talk to "A Friend Who Left The Faith"? We will spend four weeks addressing this difficult topic in the church today.


05/14 - 05/28

This sermon series explores unexpected moments in Christ's ministry and how He responds to "interruptions" to show God's sovereignty and give Him glory.


03/12 - 04/02

May we use scripture as our guide to to help others experience Jesus through sharing the Gospel in the places where we live work and play.



This stand alone sermon encourages us to place a strong focus on prayer in the upcoming year. We are encouraged to know and understand why we pray.


10/16 - 11/06

This four week series examines the question "Will God Still Love Me If..." We will look at four different topics from God's Word to answer the question.


04/24 - 05/29

We will spend six weeks walking through the book of Ephesians. This series will help us see the world through the lens of being followers of Jesus.


03/06 - 03/20

In this series we will walk through and discover our Spiritual Gifts. We do this so we can clearly identify our gifts and use them to build up the church.



This stand alone sermon discusses the importance of starting and continuing to turn the pages of scripture as we start a new year together.


10/24 - 11/07

This short series will focus on our lives as followers of Jesus and how we use our mouths and fingers in the world of social media in order share the truth.


08/01 - 08/22

In this four week series we focus on 4 of the Biggest Questions we face in Christianity. Join us as we explore and wrestle with these important topics.


04/11 - 05/02

We take the next four weeks looking at eye witness encounters of Jesus after he has risen from the dead and how we should respond to Him today.


02/07 - 02/28

The Good News is something we all need. The message of the Gospel rings true as the most wonderful news you will ever experience.



This last week of 2020 we look back and remember all that God has done and how we can lean into His Faithfulness and embrace 2021 with open arms.


10/11 - 11/01

In this series we examine why we identify false teaching, and then look at three famous heresies so we can uncover truth and make disciples.


06/07 - 07/26

This Summer we will walk through the book of Nehemiah investigating how God used the willingness of Nehemiah to Rise and Build.

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This stand alone sermon builds off of the last series on betrayal looking at the first Easter morning and Jesus being mistaken for a Gardener.


01/05 - 01/26

This sermon series will help us align our focus to develop a vision for Spiritual Growth in the coming year. Join us as we make Jesus the center of our life.


09/22 - 10/20

This series looks at five different Biblical examples of people in seasons of transition and how they relied on God during those difficult seasons.


04/28 - 05/26

This series dives into how every one in the local church has a role to play and how all of the parts all uniquely work together to advance His Kingdom.


02/10 - 03/03

One Small Step is a series that encourages us as followers of Jesus to take one small step in sharing the message of the gospel.


12/01 - 12/22

This Christmas Series dives into the Gospel of Luke as he shares the story of the announcement, arrival, and celebration of the coming King.


09/15 - 10/13

The Revelation given to John to pass on to the seven churches in Asia brings comfort to them and us in a time of uncertainty as we share the good news of Jesus.


05/19 - 05/26

We will spend two weeks exploring one of the smallest books of the Bible in which Jude encourages his readers to Contend For The Faith.



Today we took time to focus on one passage of scripture, a song, that speaks to the Name that is above all names and how Paul encourages us to imitate Christ.


01/07 - 01/28

We start 2024 by discussing the importance of the church for followers of Jesus. We will look at topics related to healthy reproducing churches.


11/05 - 11/26

It is vital for us as followers of Jesus to learn from leaders in the past, Especially Kings. We will spend 4 weeks learning deep life lessons from King Hezekiah


08/06 - 09/10  

We will spend six weeks together having some tough conversations about the severity of sin in our lives and how we can be forgiven through Jesus' work on the cross.


04/16 - 05/07

This sermon series titled All In will help us take our Next Steps in following Jesus in the places where we live work and play.


02/05 - 03/05

The B.I.B.L.E. is the focus for this 5 week series. We will focus on key ways we read, learn and can apply his word to our lives on a daily basis as we read the Word.


12/04 - 12/23

Tis The Season explores the original meaning of Christmas including the various gifts the arrival of the Messiah brings for followers of Jesus.


08/07 - 10/09

The Big Picture Series is 10 weeks long and covers the most important points of the Gospel message from the first book to the last book of the Bible.



On this Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of the Messiah. We celebrate that the tomb is empty, Christ was raised, and He is alive. 


02/06 - 02/27

Prayer is one of the most important aspects of the Christian life. Join us as we spend four weeks looking at the importance of prayer today.


12/05 - 12/26

We will spend four weeks together looking at the different priorities around the birth of Jesus and how we can reorder our priorities to follow Him.


09/05 - 10/17

We will spend seven weeks together in the book of Acts. Looking at the Seven major sermons preached and obeyed by the early church.


06/06 - 07/25

This summer we will spend 8 weeks in Peter's 1st and 2nd letters. We will be encouraged and reminded of how to stand firm in the face of opposition.



This stand alone sermon explores how Paul communicated the main points of Easter. That Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead.


01/10 - 01/31

We understand that "Change" is a part of our lives. As followers of Jesus we want to embrace the seasons of change Jesus has for us, and grow in Him.


12/06 - 12/20

In the Bible we see a timeline of events. During this series we will examine three events in The Christmas Timeline according to the Gospel of Luke.


08/30 - 10/04

We will spend the next six weeks diving into the book of James investigating how our faith should be expressed in daily life by our actions.


05/10 - 05/31

Neighborhood Watch is a series that helps us as followers of Jesus be great neighbors in the places where we live work and play.


03/15 - 04/05

This sermon series shows us those who betrayed, denied, and abandoned Jesus leading up to his arrest and the hope we can have in our relationship with Him.


12/01 - 12/29

This sermon series will focus on the Unforgettable moments found in the  birth of Jesus. We pray that you will have an Unforgettable Christmas.


08/04 - 09/15

This series looks a the seven different genres of the Bible in order to have a better understanding and help us apply the Word to our lives today.



This stand alone sermon takes a look at how the death and resurrection of Jesus constitutes the most important event in history.


01/20 - 02/03

Many people talk about the gospel, but how many can describe it? This series helps us articulate the message of the gospel so we can share it.

© 2024 Faith Harvest Church

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