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Our Vision is to be a gathering where people far from Jesus can experience Him, have a change in their life, which changes the world.



Our Mission is to train everyone in our faith family to make disciples that makes disciples where we live, work, and play.

Our Core Values

Our Core Valures allow us to keep the main thing, the main thing. We like to say that we focus on the majors and let the minors be minor.




We worship God by remembering the gospel through preaching, teaching, singing, praying, and celebrating the ordinances of baptism and communion.



We connect when we push aside mere attendance and casual involvement. Connecting involves mutual love, care, consistency, and authenticity as we live each day to be more like Christ.



We Serve others out of the overflow of our discipleship. Serving is an expression of love by using our Time, Talents, and Treasures.



We Multiply when we make disciples that make disciples in the places where we live work and play.

Our Staff

Andrew, Associate Pastor

Andrew grew up on a horse farm in East Tennessee, and later attended Roane County High School. Andrew and Alyssa have three beautiful little girls. Andrew is bi-vocational with a college degree in science and works as a full-time firefighter / critical care paramedic. Andrew answered a call to ministry almost 15 years ago, and energetically serves our faith family as one of our Pastors.

Matt, Associate Pastor

We are excited to welcome Matt to our team! Matt answered a call to ministry years ago and has been serving at our faith family as a volunteer for some time. In 2024, Matt felt called to pursue pastoral care and joined our team as a Pastor in Residence. Over the year, he spent intentional time in prayer and study. Matt was recently ordained and assumed a new role as one of our Pastors. 


Blake, Pastor in Residence

Blake recently joined our team as a Pastor in Residence after answering a clear call to ministry as a teenager. Blake was saved when he was young and immediately sought opportunities to grow in his Faith. Blake attended youth group growing up, spent years in the mission field locally, in Haiti, and Nepal. Blake is excited to be on the shepherding side of ministry as he shares his love and appreciation for Jesus. Blake's pursuit of Christ also led him to worship through music, leading worship, and even Christian rap that glorify God and emphasize Faith. Blake feels dedicated to serve in student ministry helping the next generation encounter Jesus and grow in Spiritual maturity. 

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